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This shot was taken just at dawn but before the sun had illuminated this eastern shore of the Merced River as seen from Happy Isles in Yosemite National Park.   (It is also seen in the "Yosemite" Gallery here on my site.)

This is a 27 frame (9x3) mosaic stitched in Max Lyons's "PTAssembler."  It was shot with a Canon 20D (8.2 Mp) using a Canon 85mm f/1.8 lens.  I used a "Panosaurus" spherical pano head which is, in my opinion, the most bang for the buck one can get in this type of equipment (and if you use my name when ordering one, you can get an additional discount).

The file this version was taken from is a 300 megabyte file that was already reduced in size from the original stitch so I could print it on my 24" HP Designjet 130.  Thinking I would not have a way (or need) to make a larger print, I dumped the original stitch that was over 500 megabytes because it was taking up a lot of memory.  I have since learned my lesson about that; the first time I displayed it in a gallery as a roughly 24x36 print I was asked if I could make a larger one...  Go figure.  Oh well, they did buy the "small" one. 

Click Here or anywhere on the Image to go to the Zoomify page where you can zoom in to see the detail. Take a look especially at the detail in the trees across the river.   

NOTE:  The next page will take you to a zoomable version of this image created using the application "Zoomify."   Use the navigation bar below the picture to zoom in tight and you will be amazed at the detail. 

A small reference image in the upper left has a blue rectangle that shows you the section you are looking at.  You can click and drag this around to see different parts of the image or use the hand icon on the image itself to move the viewing window around.

Depending on your computer horsepower and internet speed it may take a few moments for the image to snap into focus after you have zoomed in or moved the view.

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