Santa Fe, The City Different


Santa Fe, The City Different was my first book.  It was a photo book suggested by an incredibly wonderful lady of Santa Fe (New Mexico) who owned the famous Villagra Book Store in Sena Plaza, Justine Thomas.

 Justine was a wonderful, kind lady who was my Santa Fe "Mother" who took care of my wife and I as if she really were our mother when we visited her and her daughter Carla.  She introduced me to such famous artists as Georgia O'Keefe and Laura Gilpin.   She had bemoaned the fact that, at that time (the early 1970s), there were no good photo books on Santa Fe.  So together, we decided to do one.  I would do the photography and she would write the captions for them.

She pointed out the proper places to photograph and helped with the entrees needed to gain permission for the photography.

Unfortunately the book has long been out of print though it went through three printings and was still selling well when the publisher went out of business. There are still some collecters' copies floating around but they are getting rare now. The last edition used a painting on the cover instead of the photo from the first two editions.

Click on the link to the left to view some sample pages from my own copy.



Santa Fe, The City Different
Justine Thomas & David King

(c) 1973, Santa Fe, NM
The Sunstone Press
ISBN 0-913270-21-0


(c) N. David King 2003
All Rights Reserved