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I shot this 54 Frame Mosaic as a demonstration for an advanced photo techniques class at City College.  It was done with a Canon 20D using a Zeiss-Hasselblad 80mm lens mounted on a "Panosaurus" spherical-panoramic tripod head.

The natural full file size as it came from PTGui (the stitching software used for this shot) is 530+ Megabytes for a print size of 49" x 42" at 300 ppi.

I normally do not shoot or need this many frames as sufficient detail to exceed human vision can happen at around 27-30 frames with the APS sensor and even less with a full frame sensor.  But I was curious to see what was possible (and to show the students) without getting too crazy so gave this a try.  If you are curious,  this shot took a total of about 7 minutes which included aligning the Panosaurus and explaining what I was doing as I went through the process. 

Click Here or anywhere on the Image to go to the Zoomify page where you can zoom in to see the detail.  

This is a HUGE file even in the Zoomify tiles so unless you have REALLY fast bandwidth you might be better off using the + and - icons on the next page rather than the zoom slider.  There are over 7,600 tiled files to create the zoom effect so  it might take quite a while for the program to retile the image to show the detail.

To get a sense of the detail capture from the mosaic technique, zoom into the railing on the window on the left side.  The terra cota facade has worn over the years but this metal railing still has all of its edges intact for viewing.


NOTE:  The next page will take you to a zoomable version of this image created using the application "Zoomify."   Use the navigation bar below the picture to zoom in tight and you will be amazed at the detail. 

A small reference image in the upper left has a blue rectangle that shows you the section you are looking at.  You can click and drag this around to see different parts of the image or use the hand icon on the image itself to move the viewing window around.

Depending on your computer horsepower and internet speed it may take a few moments for the image to snap into focus after you have zoomed in ot moved the view.

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